Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Is it all about money, money, money?

For many years now, I have being saying that when I can vote I do not intend to as politics is completely corrupt; and that the politicians are not really interested in the country's welfare, but merely the welfare of their wallets. Due to the Telegraph's coverage of Mp's spending of the tax payers money I have been proved correct. Now before I begin my criticism I would like to offer praise for the Telegraph, as it was them that started and lead the way for these series of exposes on government spending. It is disgraceful the amount of money spent on idiotic and non essential things, the worst without a doubt being Douglas Hogg's use of government money for work to be conducted on his moat. Is this useful spending of tax payers money? I think not! I also find it ridiculous that these crooked politicians have not been severely disciplined. The question I am asking and one which I believe everyone is questioning is why have they not lost their jobs? I think it is clear that the government need to do something along these lines to regain the public's confidence.

One more question that has also bothered me is, if it hadn't been for Jackie Smith being exposed for wrongly spending tax payers money on adult films, would there have been an investigation into other spending? Is the Jackie Smith scandal to blame?

I was just debating this very subject in an essay a couple of weeks ago, when contemplating, why should we obey the state? I came to the conclusion that we should, however one of the many arguments that divided me slightly was the fact that because the government abuses its power; does it deserve the power and cooperation it has? How can you trust and obey an institution when it does not lead the example?

Monday, 4 May 2009

Is ignorance bliss?

Before I start this criticism I should make a confession, which doesn't serve as a defense, but rather my own understanding of how it could happen. As before I was a journalism student I will admit freely, I was unaware of popular news topics and found myself questioning others in conversation when popular news topics were brought up, however once I started this course my interest in news was sparked. But before I found that or thought the news wasn't relevant to me and I was fairly content to be ignorant.

I bring this up as the other day I was discussing an issue I found to be personally worrying, Swine Flu, to an English student who I also share lectures with, and to my horror she had no idea what I was talking about. Now it is important to remember that at the time the crisis level ranging from one to six was at level five and there were fifty three cases, constantly increasing in the UK, and this girl still had no idea. This made me question whether it is better to be ignorant, or knowledgeable? As I am following the reports of this topic and as a hypochondriac worrying myself about it, when my friend is strolling around ignorant of the problem and carefree.

Therefore although it is important to know what is going on in the world, does the media make things worse by emphasizing a problem too much? As u need to consider whether all this knowledge eases your mind, which for me personally it doesn't, or if you are content with simply not knowing, because it preserves your ideal image of the world and your peace of mind before you lay down to rest. Is knowledge a gift or a curse? I say curse.